Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Masters School

Today I found out that my little sister has been accepted to attend The Masters School in New York. This came as surprising news. It was only the beginning of this month that she visited the school and decided to go through the application process. Chances that she would be accepted were not guaranteed because she was on the wait list.
However, Masters decided to admit Susan for the fall based on her test scores, application, and her interview. There were other applicants that had the grades and the money, but the school obviously decided that Susan would fit in perfectly.
Masters' atmosphere does not have the typical snooty prep school stereotype that many think of. Nic spent a few years at this school and upon meeting many of his schoolmates, I decided that this could be a great place for Susan. All his friends are extremely genuine, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor.

I believe that this is an amazing opportunity. My experiences in public school are not proud moments of my life, nor do I really think that they aided me any way. Susan has also told me her own horror stories of public school that led her to leave San Marcos.
Needless to say, she is more excited than me that she will be in Dobbs Ferry, NY in less than one month!

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