Thursday, June 27, 2013

Where I Am and Where I'm Going: Maine & Australia

The majority of the last four weeks have been spent
annoying my dog with forced nuzzles and belly rubs,

listening to music and dance-walking through the house when no one is looking,
sitting on the back porch with a pipe in my hand and watching the birds and squirrels,
surfing on days when the waves are decent,
conversations over coffee, wine, or home-cooked meals with my lovely and hospitable family friends, and
a wonderful visit from my sister.
I don't know if I've ever had this much down time - when I didn't have to worry about a job, school, money, or men... with the whirlwind of the last two years, I really needed a moment to decompress and make sense of the steps that have taken me to this point and where I will be headed next. I'm in an interesting point in my life where I have the savings and lack of ties to move anywhere.

Right now, Australia feels more like home than anywhere else I was considering. Within a few weeks of being stateside, all signs were leading me towards Melbourne. So, with the appropriate visa and plane ticket, I will be flying out of Los Angeles on July 9th for a job interview.

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